Top 5 skills to upgrade yourself and remain competitive in an uncertain economic environment
“Today I received news that I was rejected, yet again, by a company for a full-time role. I have already lost count of the number of applications I’ve sent out. The challenge to secure a full-time job during this stressing period is real, and it makes me anxious not knowing whether I would eventually be able to get employment.”, mentioned by a fresh graduate from the Singapore Management University.

1. Copywriting Skills
Content is key.
Copywriting is the ability to write relevant and yet engaging content to better connect to consumers.
By improving your writing skills in advertising collateral and blogs, you can allow your business to reach out to more people effectively. This boost clickthrough rates, engagement levels and ultimately generating leads that translates to sales. Non-effective copywriting would turn people away and prevent them from reading up more about the service/product you are offering.

2. Software Technical Skills
Such as learning programming languages, data analytics and insights.
According to the Straits Times , Information and Digital Technologies graduates commanded the highest median starting salaries at S$4,400.

3. Digital Marketing Skills
This have become one of marketers’ most used tool to generate leads and monitor site performance.
During this era of technology, having this skill enables you to gain better understanding of your consumers, potential consumer markets to tap into, competitors and, new opportunities to explore.

4. Personal Financing Planning Skills
The recent most faced challenge by people today is that they do not save aside a minimum 6 months’ worth of their salary. It is a rule of thumb that every person practices this habit as an emergency fund for themselves. By having this habit, it will help to lessen the burden in the event of unforeseen circumstances such as retrenchment.
The standard of living in Singapore is one of the highest in the world therefore, learning how to manage your finances is an important skill such as learning how to budget your household and personal expenses. The inflation in Singapore is an average of 2-3% therefore, learning how to invest and diversify your money, is an essential skill to grow your wealth.

Accounting is a skill that gives you the ability to read the account of the company either for investments purpose, understanding business purpose or any other purposes. Accounting skills is a need not only for businesses but also for every individual within a business. Skills such as effective time management, improved industry knowledge, adaptability and critical thinking are all important to increase a business’s standard and quality. Developing these skills especially in a time like this can prove to be very beneficial in the future when businesses return to normal. Improving the quality of the staff in the company would eventually increase the customer inflow and hence enhance the business.
To sum up, you will need to know how to market yourself through your resume or even LinkedIn. Demonstrate your writing skills and avoid using words like “Managed”, “Responsible for”, and other repetitive verbs. Furthermore, you can exhibit your soft skills through requesting your team mates or colleagues from past jobs to include a recommendation in your LinkedIn profile. With these skills as mentioned, paired with a well written resume, this will enhance your chance in getting called in for a job interview!
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